Generating Page Slugs in T-SQL!

I recently came across a situation where I needed to generate page Slugs from some 5,000,000+ records in a MS-SQL database. Unfortunately I didn’t have Remote Desktop or Telnet access to the SQL box which precluded me from running one of my normal C# or Powershell solutions, and the idea of doing all of the processing over the wire just didn’t appeal to me. So I decided the best course of action would be to use T-SQL to generate the Slugs for me.

After posting the question to StackOverflow and doing some searching on Google I came across Pinal Dave’s UDF_ParseAlphaChars function. Luckily it had most of the functionality I required, so it only required minor modifications to get the desired result.

The modified code is below.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[UDF_GenerateSlug]
    @str VARCHAR(100)
    SET @str = LOWER(@str)
    SET @IncCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9a-z] %',@str)
    WHILE @IncCharLoc > 0
    	SET @str = STUFF(@str,@IncCharLoc,1,'')
    	SET @IncCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9a-z] %',@str)
    SET @str = REPLACE(@str,' ','-')
    RETURN @str

First of all I need to leave spaces so they can be replaced with hyphens, and secondly I only require lower case characters. You may also notice that I’m doing a case transformation against the incoming string. This is due to the SQL database being setup with case insensitivity.

I would like to thank Pinal Dave for his original code.